Monday, February 16, 2009


Well, we did it…… we finished our Valentines 5k.
It was a perfect day for a fun run. There was a nice breeze, a slight chill in the air, and the sun was shining brightly. As a plus, everyone was given sweatshirts to commemorate the event. David ran in his…….and then, we both wore them around town. There is an unwritten rule that says: “you can only wear race paraphernalia while running/on race days”…We looked like the huge dorks that we are….wearing matching sweatshirts around Memphis all day.

Thankfully, we were able to hit up some of our favorite places. Of course, Whole Foods is a must. I load up on foods that aren’t available in our one horse town. The best part was spending some quality time with our friend, Anna. She’s an accountant……so, leaving town right now is not an option. Since we were there, she took Saturday afternoon off & goofed around with us. It was fabulous. We had already had a special dinner together last Thursday…, we passed on the crazy crowded restaurants.

Never underestimate what exercise, good food, and great friends can do for the soul.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Superbowl Cookout

We went over to some friends for some Superbowl entertainment Sunday night. We had a blast just laughing & munching on some food. Sadly, the guys had some issues with the grill & my veggie burger paid the burnt price.

I think next time... the girls are doing the cooking!!

Running/Blogging Hiatus

Well, I was doing good with my running.......until the crud hit me at Christmas. I took nearly a month off of running. It's easy to forget how the asthma makes you so vulnerable to lung infections. It's been well over a year since I've even had to use my inhaler. Well, for the last two weeks, I have started back. It was not fun, but I'm glad I pushed through it. I ran 35 minutes last night. I need to bump it up to 45 by next week. David & I are doing a 5k for Valentines. I missed my first 5k goal for January (for above reasons). So, I'm kicking my butt in gear to get ready for it.

My running partner, Debi, has taken a running break because of some knee problems. Faithfully though, she pushed through it & ran with me last Monday. That helped start the week off on a good note. So, the self-motivation is the hardest part. It's easy when you're keeping yourself accountable to someone else. David has continued to run with me on the weekends. It's nice to get outside & breathe in the frosty air. While running is still not "fun," I do enjoy the social aspects of it. I enjoy being silly & venting with a girlfriend.....or just spending time with my goofy husband.