Monday, February 16, 2009


Well, we did it…… we finished our Valentines 5k.
It was a perfect day for a fun run. There was a nice breeze, a slight chill in the air, and the sun was shining brightly. As a plus, everyone was given sweatshirts to commemorate the event. David ran in his…….and then, we both wore them around town. There is an unwritten rule that says: “you can only wear race paraphernalia while running/on race days”…We looked like the huge dorks that we are….wearing matching sweatshirts around Memphis all day.

Thankfully, we were able to hit up some of our favorite places. Of course, Whole Foods is a must. I load up on foods that aren’t available in our one horse town. The best part was spending some quality time with our friend, Anna. She’s an accountant……so, leaving town right now is not an option. Since we were there, she took Saturday afternoon off & goofed around with us. It was fabulous. We had already had a special dinner together last Thursday…, we passed on the crazy crowded restaurants.

Never underestimate what exercise, good food, and great friends can do for the soul.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Hey, dear! it HAS been years! you look great! I was so excited when i saw your reply!! i'll hold my questions until i have read through your blogs to see what you are up to these days! it is great to hear from you though!