Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Running/Blogging Hiatus

Well, I was doing good with my running.......until the crud hit me at Christmas. I took nearly a month off of running. It's easy to forget how the asthma makes you so vulnerable to lung infections. It's been well over a year since I've even had to use my inhaler. Well, for the last two weeks, I have started back. It was not fun, but I'm glad I pushed through it. I ran 35 minutes last night. I need to bump it up to 45 by next week. David & I are doing a 5k for Valentines. I missed my first 5k goal for January (for above reasons). So, I'm kicking my butt in gear to get ready for it.

My running partner, Debi, has taken a running break because of some knee problems. Faithfully though, she pushed through it & ran with me last Monday. That helped start the week off on a good note. So, the self-motivation is the hardest part. It's easy when you're keeping yourself accountable to someone else. David has continued to run with me on the weekends. It's nice to get outside & breathe in the frosty air. While running is still not "fun," I do enjoy the social aspects of it. I enjoy being silly & venting with a girlfriend.....or just spending time with my goofy husband.

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