This past weekend,I had a lovely visit to an old schoolmate of mine, Anne. Aware of my new diet restrictions, she fabulously entertained me with a variety of veggie fare.
Thursday night, she made a fabulous bean soup....that I must twist her arm to get the recipe.
Friday, we perused "Whole Foods" and dined on a wonderful selection of cheeses and homemade veggie calzones. Her husband is the resident breadmaker, he lavished me with his newest homemade bread and whipped up the calzone dough without any effort. I might also add, that she grows many of her own spices and vegetables. (This is a girl after my own heart!!)
Saturday, she took me to a wonderful little bistro, Zoe's, that served a delightful feta cheese pita.
I only mentioned the food, but the fellowship was just as wonderful. Thanks Anne!!