I've been trying to pre-make dinners for David to take with him for part of the week.
This week's menu: Vegan Spaghetti
Barilla© - Whole Grain Rotini
Classico© - Tomato & Basil Sauce
Gimme Lean© - Hamburger Style
Fresh onion, garlic, basil
(We normally put mushrooms, olives, bell peppers, jalapenos...and anything else fresh from the garden. However, we didn't have much in the fridge..b/c I have been out of town).
I also sent him away this morning with some Naan, that I picked up this weekend at Whole Foods.
I normally send him with meatier concoctions. However, he's found all the foods (and meat substitutes) to his liking.
So, here's to us both living long & healthy lives!

Wanna know about Vegan MoFo. Find out more here!