Friday, November 14, 2008

Another feat, completed!!

We just finished our run!! We ran 24 minutes today (Run 4min/recover 1 min....6x).
I'm really excited about how fast we're going through the steps.
I want to say a special thanks to Debi for being an AWESOME running partner. I couldn't have done it on my own!!

1 comment:

dkp said...

YOU'RE the one that's kept ME on track! If it weren't for you, I would have quit yesterday when, after not getting home until 10:30 pm, I put on my sweater and running shoes and, against all common sense and reason, I ran my 5min/1min. But I did it and you were right, it wasn't even hard!! So, thanks for keeping me on track.. If it weren't for you, I would have crawled into bed immediately. (I'd probably be more rested today, but, hey, who needs sleep?!)